Thank you for your interest in Seattle Worldcon 2025, to be held August 13–17, 2025, in Seattle, Washington, at the Seattle Convention Center Summit Building. Seattle Worldcon 2025 actively supports members of the press and writers for online media outlets who are covering the convention before, during, and after the event. We aim to provide information about this convention specifically, and about Worldcon, science fiction conventions, and the science fiction and fantasy genres in general.
As a representative of a media outlet, including professional and genre-related online sites, we at Seattle Worldcon 2025 want to provide you with the opportunity to experience the most prestigious gathering in the science fiction and fantasy community. We have listed the qualifications for credentials below, as well as answers to common questions for your convenience. If you have further questions, please feel free to email us at
This document applies to everyone granted media access, whether audio-visual, traditional press, or non-commercial press (as defined below). The terms “media pass” and “press pass” should be considered interchangeable for these purposes.
Seattle Worldcon 2025 reserves the right to remove anyone approved under this license if it deems that the company or its representative(s) has in any way violated stated Worldcon policies, common courtesy, state and/or federal laws, and/or misrepresented itself or the nature of its business. Seattle Worldcon 2025 enforces a code of conduct that is applicable to everyone attending this convention.
Press Pass Registration and Guidelines
Working members of the press must register prior to the convention. Please register as early as possible. We recommend that you register by July 13, 2025, to ensure that we have sufficient time to verify your credentials and arrange for your visit to the convention and any interviews with the guests or staff.
We will have an on-site press relations office at the Seattle Convention Center. Please check in at the media registration area on-site to obtain credentials. Credentials will not be mailed.
The Seattle Worldcon 2025 Press Office will coordinate media access to the art show, dealers’ room, Hugo Awards ceremony, or any other event(s) requested. Please note that individual events may have additional guidelines. Press passes are a privilege and are subject to being withdrawn if these guidelines are violated. We expect to have more detailed guidelines for the events prepared by July and will email a copy of these guidelines to approved press pass and media pass holders. Registration information will be kept confidential.
The Seattle Worldcon 2025 Press Office will also coordinate and arrange accommodations for setup, convention memberships, and access. All requests for interviews and space allocation for reporting are handled by the press office and not individual guests or participants. Please include these requests in your registration or contact Please note that we may not be able to accommodate all requests, so the earlier you make them, the better the chance that we can arrange it. A Seattle Worldcon 2025 Press Pass is a complimentary license to be present and report on Seattle Worldcon activities and does not grant any other privileges of membership.
The press pass is not a standing group credential and is individually issued, and all members of media teams are required to apply. Please make sure that you list all names and positions you wish to include for your press pass in your application process to avoid confusion.
We request that media representatives who are granted press passes submit a link to or copies of their published works referencing Seattle Worldcon 2025 to within two weeks of publication.
Non-Editorial Press Registration
Non-editorial employees of media organizations, including but not limited to, marketing, public relations, advertising, sales, publishers, etc., do not ordinarily qualify for press passes. Please note that publishing companies do not qualify as media outlets. All non-editorial press members must register through the standard membership page.
Freelance Reporter Registration
Freelance reporters must complete the online application. Please note that all freelance press registration applications should be received no later than July 13, 2025.
While every effort will be made to accommodate those replying after this date, verification of credentials is not guaranteed. Eligibility is subject to approval by the press office staff, who will notify you if your request for a press pass is confirmed, denied, or if additional information is needed to confirm your status.
Professional Online Media
Seattle Worldcon 2025 defines “professional online media” as those journalists who represent commercial news websites. Sites must be established and updated regularly with current original news stories. To qualify as online media, online reporters must provide in their online application a link to your online publication with your name and title appearing in an editorial capacity, as well as a link to a bylined, industry-related article from your publication written by you and published within the last six months (the copy must clearly show the name of the publication and byline). Please note that online media must meet all criteria below:
The website must have a paid reporting staff of two or more. The website must post original, dated, industry-related news at least twice per month. Website content must extend beyond newsletters, links, forums, or blogs.
Non-Commercial Press Including Bloggers and Podcasters
Seattle Worldcon 2025 supports the growing class of independent reporters and columnists who reach their audience via blogs, podcasts, videos, or other non-professional online media, and Seattle Worldcon 2025 is committed to allowing independent media access to the event on a limited slot availability.
We have a short list of guidelines below that will be used in evaluating the slots available for independent media. Please fill out our online application no later than July 13, 2025. We cannot guarantee independent media credentials for applications received after that date.
Seattle Worldcon 2025 prefers to work with online media outlets that have an established track record covering aspects of science, science fiction, fantasy, and related works. We would prefer to work with websites that have been in continuous operation for at least six months.
Seattle Worldcon 2025 reserves the right to request traffic data from a third party (e.g., Sitemeter, Technorati, Feedburner, iTunes, etc.) in the evaluation process when necessary. While the decision to grant access is not based solely on traffic and/or subscriber data, we do ask that applicants provide some degree of transparency into their operations for us to make a fair and timely decision on any media pass application and registration.
Obtaining press credentials is an opportunity to meet and interact with key industry professionals, as well as a solid science fiction/fantasy fan base. While continued access to Seattle Worldcon 2025 is not directly contingent on producing coverage during the convention, Worldcon Staff will take such coverage into consideration, due to space limitations, when granting press passes.
All online media must sign an acknowledgement that they agree to abide by the Seattle Worldcon 2025 Code of Conduct.
Production Company/Videography Crew Registration
Seattle Worldcon 2025 requires that all film crews requesting permission to film at the convention to register in advance as either a production company or a videography crew. If you are registering as a production company or videography crew, please complete our registration for media credentials. We will then contact you regarding your request. The Seattle Worldcon 2025 Press Office maintains sole discretion in determining whether a network or station is a recognized media representative. A videography crew is defined as a videographer contracted by a conference exhibitor to film solely within that exhibitor’s booth for that company’s private/non-broadcast use only.
Due to limitations of space and access to our media rooms, all crew members engaged by an attendee, exhibitor, or guest at Seattle Worldcon 2025 to film or record need to be registered as media outlets. Unregistered crews not only run the risk of interfering with our members’ convention experience but also often have equipment that needs to be handled accordingly with our on-site manager and in compliance with our contract limitations. Videography crews must submit a letter from the exhibitor stating that the company will be working under contract to film at their booth for private/non-broadcast use only. Seattle Worldcon 2025 reserves sole discretion to determine if a videography crew meets the requirements and be granted permission to film at the convention.
Production companies and videography crews must pre-register. Onsite registration will not be available. The pre-registration deadline is July 13, 2025.
Seattle Worldcon 2025 reserves the right to remove representatives of any production company or videography crew from a convention programming item, event, or space if it deems that the company or its representative(s) in any way violated stated conference policies and/or misrepresented itself or the nature of its business. There are no refunds for those who are removed or barred due to behavior or unqualified incidents, unprofessionalism, or any other reason that constitutes removal from Seattle Worldcon 2025 under its code of conduct.
General Rules for Recording and Photography
- Coordination: All photographers please coordinate with the press office.
- Do not occupy or block any spaces designated for accessibility purposes.
- Do not occupy reserved seats or sections not marked for press use.
- During the opening ceremony, the masquerade, and the Hugo Awards ceremony, no flash photography is permitted, and photographers are not permitted to bring in additional lights.
- Publishing pictures of any person in a public space (e.g., a group shot) may require their consent, unless that person is clearly not the main subject of the image and the picture does not cause them any damage, suffering, or harm. Please do not take pictures or record video of individuals without their explicit permission.
- It is never acceptable to disrupt a program item or other event. The moderator/organizer of any event has the right to ask anyone to leave the room if they believe they are being disruptive. Please ensure any photography is non-disruptive, and respect the moderator/presenter, and/or panelists’ wishes regarding taking of photos and/or video.
- Please do not film autograph signing sessions. Many people are present and identifiable at these events, not just the author, and for many people, meeting their favorite author(s) in person is a very personal moment.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who may receive a complimentary press pass?
- Complimentary press passes will be issued only to reporters, editors, freelance writers, photographers, and videographers working for recognized professional publications of national news services, local television or radio stations, or nationally-recognized independent media outlets. They also must cover an area that is relevant to Seattle Worldcon 2025, such as community news, science, science fiction, fantasy, artists or authors, conferences, or topics relevant to our event. Each media request is different and will be fully assessed before being issued.
- How do I register for a press pass?
- Complete our press pass application. The application period will close July 13, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be considered, and you must agree to abide by the Seattle Worldcon 2025 Code of Conduct.
- How will I know if my request was approved?
- You will be notified by email from if your request is approved.
- How do I pick up my press pass?
- You pick them up at the press office at the Seattle Convention Center starting on August 13, 2025, after 2 p.m. No registration material will be mailed by the convention to any of its members.
- Will Seattle Worldcon 2025 distribute my information when I register for press credentials?
- Seattle Worldcon 2025 will not distribute your contact information and will respect the privacy requests of all who register. If requested, we will pass along your contact information to the staff of the 2026 Worldcon to be held in Los Angeles, California.
- Will I be able to store equipment on site?
- All equipment brought to Seattle Worldcon 2025 by an attendee is the sole responsibility of its owner. While we will do our best to accommodate such needs, Worldcon cannot be held responsible for lost, abandoned, or discarded equipment and materials.
- What is included in a press pass?
- Press passes provide general access to convention events. Individual events and areas of the convention may have limitations on general access, audio and/or video recording, or photography. If you want to cover a specific item or interview one of our guests, please indicate your preferences on the application, and we will honor these requests if possible. Seattle Worldcon 2025 reserves the right and discretion to close receptions, workshops, panels, presentations, or keynote speakers to media access at any time.
- What if one of our team members is unable to attend. Are press passes transferable?
- If one of your team is unable to attend, contact, and we will do our best to approve the substitute’s credentials. At the convention, we will make every effort to accommodate such substitutions.
- Will media representatives be allowed to photograph or film the art show?
- In general, photography and video is not allowed in the Seattle Worldcon 2025 Art Show. If access is to be granted, permission from individual artists will be required.
- How do I arrange an interview or ask about covering a specific event?
- Please indicate specific requests on the application form. Please do not contact the guests directly.