A Worldcon is run entirely by unpaid, volunteer staff. Seriously! For over 80 years it has been a convention created by and for fans, fueled by dedicated community servants. More than any other factor, that fact makes this event and this community special and unique, full of acts of creativity, profound quirkiness, and kindness which money literally cannot buy. That is why when you purchase an attending membership to Worldcon you receive a membership and not a ticket. Many local and regional conventions also follow this model.

You too can join this community of makers, doers, and shapers, whether by contributing a few hours during the con, or by engaging in planning activities that last for a season or the whole year. A list of known currently available staff roles can be found below. You can express your interest in volunteering, whether or not you have a specific role in mind, by filling out our volunteer interest form. If you have any questions, please email volunteers@ seattlein2025.org.

Currently Available Roles