The Academic Track is a multi-disciplinary academic conference held in conjunction with the annual World Science Fiction Convention. It provides a unique opportunity to engage both a diverse group of scholars, and a large, highly educated, and well-informed public audience. Audiences of over 100 are typical for academic panels, and with roughly 6,000 attendees expected, you can expect ample opportunity to discuss your research at the poster session that will follow your presentation.
The standard mode of presentation will be a 30-minute individual panel, followed immediately by a 60-minute poster session, but proposals for 60-minute research panels with multiple scholars, also followed by a poster session, are common. Other forms of participation can be proposed and if possible, will be accommodated. Participants in the academic track may also be asked to participate in panels on other conference tracks.
For individual research presentations, a peer reviewable academic paper is expected at the time of the presentations and will, if the author wishes, be considered for inclusion in one of the subsequent edited volumes (academic publisher to be confirmed). Currently, a volume on the study of science fiction as a genre, and the role of science fiction in society are planned, as well as a volume that documents the thematic set of round table panels where scientists and science fiction authors will discuss and debate topics under the broad umbrella of “Life in a Universe Full of Planets.”
All areas of research related to Science Fiction are welcome, and please do not hesitate to use this opportunity to indulge a flight of academic fancy or propose something outside the box. This audience will quite literally be defined by thinking outside the box. Scholars or authors wishing to participate in thematic debates should simply note your interest and topic area(s) and we will arrange panels as needed.
If the slaying of bureaucratic dragons involved in securing conference travel funds require acceptance, early review of your proposal can be accommodated upon request.
Queries, proposals, and any other correspondence may be directed to:
Dr. Douglas A. Van Belle (just Doug if you would) or