Newsletter July 2024: Special Announcement Brandon O’Brien!

Welcome to our rebranded and relaunched newsletter, Dispatches From Yesterday’s Tomorrow, which you can expect to bring you monthly updates about the Seattle Worldcon from now until the opening day of Seattle Worldcon 2025. We intend to use this newsletter to send out updates more frequently than the traditional Progress Reports (don’t worry, we’ll have those too!). Please enjoy this short edition with some exciting news.

Announcing Brandon O’Brien as Poet Laureate for Seattle Worldcon 2025

Seattle Worldcon 2025 is excited to announce the appointment of our poet laureate, Brandon O’Brien! Appointment of a poet laureate will elevate our proceedings and help us spotlight and emphasize the craft and literary tradition of speculative poetry at this Worldcon. If you aren’t already familiar with Brandon and his work, prepare to be thrilled!

Brandon O’Brien is a writer, performance poet, teaching artist, and tabletop game designer from Trinidad and Tobago. His work has been shortlisted for the 2014 and 2015 Small Axe Literary Competitions and the 2020 Ignyte Award for best in speculative poetry, and is published in Uncanny Magazine, Fireside Magazine, Strange Horizons, and New Worlds, Old Ways: Speculative Tales from the Caribbean, among others. He is the former poetry editor of FIYAH. His debut poetry collection Can You Sign My Tentacle?, available from Interstellar Flight Press, is the winner of the 2022 Elgin Award.

Brandon O'Brien, a Black man with short hair and goatee, wearing glasses and a purple polo shirt, with his chin on his hand and looking at the camera with a sly smile.

Look for more speculative poetry-related announcements to come. And don’t hesitate to send us your ideas at Panel Suggestions on our website.

Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures is Near!

There is nothing we look forward to more at this moment than the opening of the Glasgow Worldcon on August 8. This will be the third Worldcon held in Glasgow, following the events in 1995 and 2005. We have been practicing our Highland dances all year in anticipation of seeing them realize their vision of an inclusive, caring, and imaginative Worldcon. If you are lucky enough to be there, please stop by our fan table and come to the parties we are hosting Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings from 8:30 p.m.–1 a.m. in Hall 4. To our Worldcon siblings we say “Lang may yer lum reek!”

Glasgow 2024 logo with stylized planets over the Glasgow skyline.