Local Flavor: Fisher Fair Scones

Ah, the lure of freshly-baked refined white flour, slathered with butter and raspberry jam. If it’s fall in the Northwest, it’s time for the Washington State Fair, and buying Fisher Fair Scones by the dozen. These scones are so popular that you can buy the scone mix at most grocery stores, fair scone flavored ice cream is a thing that exists, and they’ve even got a scone food truck that’s been spotted around the region. The raspberry jam really is critical to the flavor sensation that is the fair scone—and while they’re best hot and fresh out of the oven, they’re still great cold the next morning for breakfast, if there are any left.

A tasty looking scone with raspberry jam filling, perfectly sized for eating in just a few bites, sitting on a red-and white bag right from the Fisher booth at the state fair.

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