News From Seattle in 2025 – May Meeting Announcement

May 2022

We’re between cons how are you? Let’s keep this short. The big news is the report from our bid table and in-person launch party at Norwescon, but first some other business.

Come to Our Bid Volunteer Meeting on May 22nd

Our May Bid Volunteer meeting has been set on May 22 at 10 a.m. Pacific, and we’d like to see you there. We will have a report on bid activities and status, and discuss volunteer opportunities. Topics will include discussion of our GoH selection process and plans for Balticon, Westercon, and Chicon 8. Here is the Zoom invitation.

Join Us at Marcon (May 6-8) and Balticon (May 27-30)

The bid will have a fan table presence over the coming month in Columbus at Marcon 57, and in Baltimore at Balticon 56. If you will be at either of these questions, come say hello! In fact, we’d love you to take a shift at the table, answering questions, facilitating swag and membership sales, and encouraging people to learn more about the bid. Here is a signup for Marcon and Balticon.

Bid Table and Launch Party at Norwescon 44

The bid table at Norwescon 44, with a large banner to one side, promotional material on the table, and two volunteers at the table, both masked and one wearing a Loki horned headpiece.

At long last, after years of virtual tables and Zoom parties, we were able to launch the bid in person at our bid co-chairs’ home convention, Norwescon. Here are two volunteers sitting at our bid table!

On Friday evening, five years after the bid was announced we had our first in-person bid party. The food and drink featured local ingredients and regional favorites including smoked salmon puffs, blackberry crisp and apple crisp (pictured below), and a selection of locally-produced beer, wine, and cider.

Food cups on trays at the bid party at Norwescon.

It was such a great time, we forgot to take more pictures! There are a few more from the party below. Best of all we added 136 signups to the newsletter (welcome friends!) and sold 18 supporting memberships. How much did this raise? We’re still crunching the numbers.

A selfie of bid co-chairs SunnyJim and Kathy at the bid party, both wearing fancy patterned facemasks.

Want to Write Content for this Newsletter?

Moving forward, we’d like to include some fun Seattle-based content in our newsletter. What’s your favorite Seattle tourist attraction? Perhaps there’s a recipe from a landmark Seattle-area restaurant that you love. Share a memory of Seattle-area fandom. Help us generate some interesting content for the newsletter! Send submissions to