A dark-skinned person with short dark hair and sideburns, wearing a yellow jumpsuit with black tie and red collar, belt, and boots, uses a jetpack to fly to the viewer's right.

Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow

Official Blog of Seattle Worldcon 2025

A light-skinned balding man with grey hair and beard, wearing teal and blue retro-futuristic clothing and a cybernetic eyepiece, holds an electronic piece of equipment and looks to the viewer's left. Three silver orbs with single eyes float around him.

Local Flavor: Fisher Fair Scones

Ah, the lure of freshly-baked refined white flour, slathered with butter and raspberry jam. If it’s fall in the Northwest, it’s time for the Washington State Fair, and buying Fisher Fair Scones by the dozen.

Fantastic Fiction: Earl Kemp’s Who Killed Science Fiction?

2024 is a golden age of science fiction in all media. In 1960, matters appeared very different, as Earl Kemp’s Hugo Award-winning study of the state of science fiction made clear.

Around Seattle: KEXP at Seattle Center

Seattle’s beloved indie music radio station isn’t just an experience for the airwaves. The KEXP space at Seattle Center is a free community hub for music lovers, complete with café and record store.

Newsletter September 2024: Announcing the Seattle Worldcon 2025 Film Festival!

Announcing our film festival and calling for submissions, launching our membership registration portal, hotel updates on upcoming reservations including initial party and suite information, asking for your accessibility needs, and we’re looking for volunteers, panelists and presenters, and panel suggestions.

Fantastic Fiction: Roger Corman’s 1960 Masterpieces

With Seattle Worldcon 2025 coming up, let’s take a look back at a couple of films that attendees at Seattle’s first Worldcon, way back in 1961, might have seen at their local theaters and drive-ins. Grab some popcorn and settle back for a pair of surprisingly good low budget movies from the king of B films, Roger Corman.

Local Flavor: Coffee

Coffee culture is ubiquitous in Seattle, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that you can find a coffee shop on almost every corner. Home to Starbucks, Tully’s, Seattle’s Best Coffee, and a wide range of smaller local roasters and coffee shops, locals are passionate and opinionated about their coffee.

Fantastic Fiction: The Atomic Treadmill

Seattle’s first Worldcon was held on the cusp of humanity’s self-destruction. We dodged the nuclear bullet in 1962, but the atomic genie is restless in the bottle. And with war on Russia’s doorstep edging the cork ever further toward the lip, Walter M. Miller’s A Canticle for Leibowitz, hailed as the best SF novel of 1961, remains today as compelling and relevant as ever…

Around Seattle: The Fremont Troll

Seattle has a Troll under one of its bridges, and it’s a must-see on any trip to Seattle. The funky Fremont Troll, in Seattle’s funky Fremont neighborhood, is a one-of-a-kind piece of public art.

Fantastic Fiction: Per Seattle Ad Astra

As we ready our jets and look forward to blasting off for the Emerald City’s second Worldcon ever, it’s a great time to blast back to the past, to the time of Seattle’s first Worldcon: 1961. Because on April 12 of that year, one man slipped the surly bonds of Earth, and humanity was forever changed…

Local Flavor: Blackberry Crisp

In the Northwest, we love our berries. You’ll frequently see pies, syrups, and all manner of desserts featuring not just strawberries and raspberries, but loganberries, marionberries, gooseberries, huckleberries, and others. This recipe for blackberry crisp can be made gluten free and vegan with simple substitutions. It’s a summertime favorite.

Announcing the Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow Blog

With 358 days until the start of Seattle Worldcon 2025, we are excited to announce the launch of our blog, Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow, with weekly features relating to the region and to era- specific speculative fiction. And more surprises to come!

Newsletter August 2024: Announcing Special Hugo Award for Best Poem

Announcing the Best Poem Special Hugo Award and the Seattle Worldcon 2025 Community Fund, our congratulations to this year’s Hugo Award winners, volunteer opportunities, three creative contests to start planning for, and our thanks to Glasgow for a great Worldcon!

Newsletter July 2024: Special Announcement Brandon O’Brien!

Seattle Worldcon 2025 is excited to announce the appointment of our poet laureate, Brandon O’Brien! For more about Brandon and the rapidly approaching Glasgow 2024, check out our updated newsletter – Dispatches from Yesterday’s Tomorrow.

Membership Upgrades Now Available

We are now ready for pre-supporters to upgrade their memberships to attending memberships in the convention (WSFS membership + attending supplement) and complete registration.

Registration and Membership Upgrades Delayed

Due to a last-minute change in our registration software, our ability to process registrations and upgrades to attending memberships for site selection voters and bid supporters has been delayed past our originally projected date.

Welcome to Seattle Worldcon 2025—Building Yesterday’s Future For Everyone

My name is Kathy Bond, Chair of this Worldcon, and I am absolutely thrilled to announce that Seattle will have the honor of hosting you all for the 83rd World Science Fiction Convention.

Seattle 2025 Worldcon Bid News September 2023

More detailed instructions for site selection voting, a new restaurant has opened at the Seattle Convention Center, and a reminder of our Base 2 Space climb.

Seattle 2025 Worldcon Bid News July 2023

We’ll be at Pemmi-Con, this year’s NASFiC, how you can cast your site selection ballot, we have a team for the Base 2 Space Space Needle climb to raise money for cancer research, and we have a Spotify playlist of Seattle musicians.

Seattle 2025 Worldcon Bid News June 2023

We are unopposed on the site selection ballot! And the Summit expansion building is open! Some Space Needle history, we’re looking for volunteers, we’re planning for Chengdu, and we were at Boskone and Norwescon and will be at Pemmicon, Chengdu, Orycon, and Loscon.

Where to Meet Us: April-June 2023

We’ll be at Norwescon, Westercon, and Pemmi-Con over the coming months.

Guest of Honor Selection – Triple Shot Supporters Feedback

Triple Shot members can fill out a survey to suggest guests of honor.

Seattle Bid Fall 2022

Our report from tabling at Chicon, Triple Shot members can suggest guests of honor, we’ve revamped our website, and a recipe for our very popular apple crisp.

Seattle Playlist

A Seattle-themed Spotify playlist to keep you entertained while in line at Chicon!

Seattle Bid Chicon Edition

We’ll be at Chicon, and we could use help at the bid table.

News From Seattle in 2025 – Summer in Seattle

We’ll be at Westercon and Chicon and could use help at the tables, our July volunteer meeting is coming up, we need more volunteers, and a look at what summers in the Seattle area are like.

Seattle in 2025 – Balticon Table

We’ll be at Balticon and could use some help at the bid table.

News From Seattle in 2025 – May Meeting Announcement

Our next volunteer meeting is in May, we’ll be at Marcon and Balticon, our Norwescon bid party was a success, and how you can contribute content for this newsletter.

News From Seattle in 2025 – April Meeting Announcement

Our next meeting in April, we’ll be at Norwescon and could use help tabling, and how you can contribute content for this newsletter.

News From Seattle in 2025 – Meeting Announcement

A successful party at Discon, volunteer meetings start in March, we’ll be at Norwescon, Balticon, and Chicon, and we need volunteers!

News From Seattle in 2025

Ramping up the bid activities, a peek at our amazing location, our bid dates, we’ll be at Discon, and we need volunteers!


  • Cora Buhlert
  • Rachel S. Cordasco
  • Kaye Dee
  • Fifi Ding
  • Cheryl Dyson
  • Gideon Marcus
  • Fiona Moore
  • SunnyJim Morgan
  • Janice L. Newman
  • James Davis Nicoll
  • Jason Sacks
  • Victoria Silverwolf
  • Kris Vyas-Myall

Executive editor

  • Kevin Black


  • Dave Hogg


  • Cee Chen
  • Fifi Ding
  • Cheryl Dyson
  • Michael Hanscom